Ali Ouattara - Ivory Coast
''Today’s impunity is tomorrow’s crime."
President of the IC-ICC - Ivory Coast coalition for the ICC
In their own words
"The ICC must work for victims worldwide. It should therefore assist State Parties to acquire the full capacity to judge crimes in their jurisdiction, as stipulated under Article 1 of its founding treaty. Today’s impunity is tomorrow’s crime. Therefore, investing in justice today means to save tomorrow, financially, but also in terms of human lives."
Organization: Ivory Coast coalition for the International Criminal Court
Location: Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Mission: Anxious to join efforts in the fight against impunity, including against serious crimes of international law, namely war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and aggression;
Welcoming the efforts of the international coalition that pushed for the creation of the International Criminal Court who was born July 17, 1998 and entered into force on July 1st, 2002;
Conscious of our duty to relay the efforts of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court in the Republic of the Ivory Coast;
Aware of the important issues upon which the International Criminal Court acts in the Republic of the Ivory Coast, where serious international crimes have been committed since September 19, 2002;
We have decided to regroup in a national coalition, called: Ivory Coast coalition for the International Criminal Court (ICC ICC)
Vision: The IC - ICC pursues the following objectives:
- Promote the universal ratification and work towards the establishment of a permanent, fair, effective and independent International Criminal Court;
- Be an advocate with national authorities for the adoption of laws that facilitate the work of the International Criminal Court in the Republic of the Ivory Coast;
- Promote the knowledge and understanding of the ICC through the dissemination of the Rome Statute, using brochures and other publications about the International Criminal Court at the national and regional levels;
- Gather documentation of cases pertaining to the International Criminal Court and conduct on-site investigations;
- Legally, psychologically and socially assist victims of crimes under the International Criminal Court jurisdiction;
- Facilitate the exchange of information between NGO members of the national coalition;
- Cooperate with the Coalition, the other national coalitions and the bodies of the International Criminal Court;
- Support activities of NGO members of the Coalition.