Budget and Finance
The Budget of the ICC is drafted by the Court, under the coordination of the Registrar, and is approved and paid for by the Assembly of States Parties (ASP). The ASP has set up a subsidiary expert body, the Committee on Budget and Finance (CBF), to help the ASP with this complex process.
What is the role of the NGO team on budget and finance?
The NGO Team on Budget and Finance is one of the most long-standing teams within the Coalition, having been created at the sixth session of the Preparatory Commission to follow the preparation of the Financial Regulations. The Team deals with the methodology and process for developing and adopting the budget and budgetary issues in general. The Team monitors and gives input to the development of the draft budget by the Court and to meetings of the CBF and the ASP to consider and approve it. It relies on input from all other issue teams and plays a coordinating role in relation to the budget.
In addition to participating in and contributing to the Team, NGOs can help to inform States Parties about the importance of granting the Court the means needed to fulfil its mandate. NGOs can encourage governments to pay their contributions in a full and timely manner
For more information on this issue and the NGO Budget Team, please contact the Coalition at at communications@coalitionfortheicc.org.
Budget and finance background
How is the ICC budget developed and approved?
This process is governed by the Financial Rules and Regulations, as adopted by the ASP at its First Session. The Court, under the coordination of the Registrar, produces a draft budget. The draft budget is considered and commented upon by the Committee on Budget and Finance (CBF), which meets twice a year, once before the meeting of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to consider the draft budget and once to consider other financial matters. The ASP then considers the budget and the recommendations of the CBF and adopts the final budget.
The budget for 2020 was €145.620.500 and the proposed programme budget for 2021 is €148,259.000.
What is the Committee on Budget and Finance of the International Criminal Court?
The Committee on Budget and Finance, which is composed of 12 members, is responsible for the technical examination of any document submitted to the Assembly that contains financial or budgetary implications or any other matter of financial, budgetary or administrative nature, as may be entrusted to it by the Assembly of States Parties. The members of the Committee are experts of recognized standing and experience in financial matters at the international level from States Parties.
Who pays for the budget?
The States Parties to the Rome Statute, i.e. the members of the Assembly of States Parties share the costs of the ICC budget. How much each State Party pays is decided according to a system developed by the United Nations, whereby the contribution percentage per State Party is calculated according to their financial situation. It is of utmost importance for the financial stability of the Court that States Parties pay their contributions in full and on time, i.e. on 1 January of each financial year.
Why is the budget of the ICC important to NGOs?
In many ways, the budget of the ICC sets the framework for the functioning of the ICC. Through the budget, the ASP decides how much resource it allows the Court to have in implementing its mandate under the Rome Statute. As observers to the ASP and as partners to the Court (with regards to many areas of the work), NGOs have an interest in ensuring that the Court’s budget enables it to conduct its core functions effectively, including, but not limited to, investigations, outreach, victims and witnesses protection, legal representation, etc.