Adriana Benjumea - Colombia
''The response from the State through justice for women victims of violence has been inefficient despite key developments ... Impunity risks in sexual violence cases are extremely high."
Executive director - HUMANAS
In their own words
"The Humanas Corporation is a feminist center of research and political action that for more than 10 years has worked for women human rights in a key area, gender justice. It is mainly focused on the need of prosecuting sexual violence inside and outside the armed conflict, address justice from a comprehensive approach, and set litigation strategies with a women rights approach.The response from the State through justice for women victims of violence has been inefficient despite key developments as the 1257 Act of 2008 (and its regulatory decrees) and the 1719 Act of 2014. The system is ineffective, together with women not denouncing for different reasons as fear and economic dependence, and those who dare to, have had to resist years of judicial processes, relying o them the burden of proof and the continuity of the processes. Impunity risks in sexual violence cases are extremely high."
Organization: HUMANAS
Location: Bogotá, Colombia
Mission: To promote and defend the human rights of women, international humanitarian law, and gender justice in Colombia and across Latin America. Humanas has been part of different political and social initiatives, aimed to promote the access to justice and a life free of violence towards women. At this time, we highlight the 5 keys Platform from which we have produced and sent useful information (beyond October 2 results) to the peace process between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP, aimed to recognize that sexual violence is a crime that has been committed for all the parts of the conflict and to avoid impunity. In this network we have advance several actions.
Vision: HUMANAS consists of a group of women in several academic social science disciplines, including anthropology, political science, and communication that seek to contribute to the promotion, dissemination, advocacy and protection of the human rights of women, enforcing International humanitarian and human rights law, and gender justice. HUMANAS promotes initiatives that contribute to the understanding of women in different contexts, and who have overcome political, legal, economic, social, and cultural inequalities.