Universal Jurisdiction Law and Practice in Norway

01 January 2020
Open Society Justice Initiative in partnership with TRIAL International.
Document type: 

This briefing paper was written by the Open Society Justice Initiative in partnership with TRIAL International. It provides an overview of the Norwegian national legal framework on universal jurisdiction, including statutory and case law, and its application in practice. 

The briefing paper intends to contribute to a better understanding of domestic justice systems among legal practitioners who operate in the field of universal jurisdiction, to support the development of litigation strategies. It forms part of a series of briefing papers on selected countries.

The content is based on desk research with the support of pro bono lawyers from the relevant jurisdiction. In addition, interviews with national practitioners were conducted on the practical application of the law. Respondents are not named in order to protect their identity and affiliation with certain institutions or organizations. 

Universal jurisdiction in this briefing paper is understood to encompass investigations and prosecutions of crimes committed on foreign territory by persons who are not nationals of the investigating and prosecuting jurisdiction. This briefing paper focuses on the international crimes of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, torture and enforced disappearance.