Become a Coalition member

Many thanks for your interest in membership with the Coalition for the ICC. We will be pausing our review of incoming membership applications from 1 October 2024. We will resume our review of applications received after 1 October in January 2025. We encourage the submission of applications during this period, and invite you to contact us at with any questions.


If your organization is interested in becoming a member, please review the information on membership on our website and complete the Membership Request Form below. For questions, please contact us. We review membership applications quarterly. Applications received after 15 September 2023 will be processed in early 2024. 

By submitting this form, you confirm that your organization wishes to become a member organization of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court and thereby agrees to :

  • Make an active commitment to promoting world-wide ratification and implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC);
  • Work to maintain the integrity of the Rome Statute; and
  • Ensure that the ICC will be fair, effective, and independent.


In addition, on behalf of your organization, by submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and agree to the following Coalition membership policy:

  • A Coalition member organization is allowed to state that it is a member of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court; however, it may not state that it is an official representative of the Coalition. Individual members may endorse or take a position on situations before the Court, but not on behalf of the Coalition. 
  • The Coalition does not take a position on potential and current situations before the Court or situations under analysis (see the Coalition’s official situations policy). 
  • If a Coalition member wishes to form a national and/or regional coalition, it must be done in conjunction with the Coalition Secretariat. Any use of the Coalition logo by a member organization requires the express permission of the Coalition Secretariat.
  • You may not use the name National Coalition for the International Criminal Court, or [your country/region] Coalition for the International Criminal Court without express permission of the Coalition. To obtain such permission, please contact the Coalition Secretariat.

Membership Request Form

Please provide the following information below, or upload a separate document.

(250 words)
(500 words)
(500 words)